What name do you prefer, Th13teen or Thirteen?

I love riding this coaster. It's short, intense and packs a punch. As perfect as it sounds, I personally have two issues with the ride in general.
1) The train is heavily trimmed, especially after the first drop.
2) The air cannon during the free-fall drop section is far too loud. It's almost deafening!
You can definitely feel the train being heavily trimmed on the first main drop, and two trim sections just after the helix. I can understand why some coasters may have to use trim brakes, but if you've been on Th13teen, you can definitely tell that the coaster just has enough momentum just to make it to the second lift. Which is a bit of a surprise, but I haven't yet been on it in the rain so I'm not too sure how quickly the ride will run, but if it is the case then the trim brakes should be applied. Unfortunately it's a permanent trim and not an active when necessary, such as Magnum XL-200 from Cedar Point for example.
Hex: The Legend Of The Towers, used to have an issue with the very loud audio but recently, during the 2018 I have noticed that the audio has been turned down.
Th13teen is an Intamin Amusement Rides - Family Drop Coaster that opened in 2010. This was the only coaster of it's type supplied by Intamin until Darkmare, otherwise now know as Inferno opened in Cinecittà World in July 2014.
Why don't we have more of these coasters? They're awesome and a great family coaster. Even though Th13teen has quite a dark, horror and sinister theme.
Even though the total cost of the ride was £15m, and it was the first of it's type. A lot of planning, development and research would have gone into the technology which would severely increase the market price, so it would appeal to the smallest of parks. It's a shame we only have two Intamin - Family Drop Coasters operating in the world.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the ride and it's a great addition to the park. It's just those two small issues I personally have with the coaster.